The heat is on and we are ramping up
Discover the power of People's Money, a groundbreaking economic opportunity that connects you directly with families in Zambia while helping to combat climate change.
Mission Control: Launching a Decentralised Digital Registry for Clean Cooking
Today we are announcing the launch of Mission Control for Clean Cooking, which is a decentralised digital registry for clean cookstove projects, devices, carbon credits, and financing, that operates as a digital public goods infrastructure.
Cooking Carbon Credits with Integrity
The only credible way to generate high-integrity Carbon Credits for greenhouse gas emission reductions is to implement digital measurement, reporting, verification and certification.
2023 Clean Cooking Industry Snapshot
The state of Clean Cooking in 2023 is well described in a report published by the Clean Cooking Alliance. This 2023 Snapshot identifies that investment exceeded the $200 million mark and revenue surpassed $100 million — both for the first time.
Much more than halfway
Here are some key mid-year updates from the ixo team, as we reach the halfway mark of 2023, with great momentum and regenerative energy!
Impact DAO-ism
The big ideas and practical implementations of ImpactDAOs that are developing new patterns for scaling human and capital coordination.
Cooking without cooking the books
New evidence shows most clean cookstove projects over-credit up to 6.3 times more carbon emissions than what is scientifically valid. Digital MRV for metered and measured devices provides the solution.