Opera and ixo for Earth

In a significant development, the ixo Internet of Impact is now accessible through mobile web apps using the Interchain crypto wallet that has been natively integrated into the Opera mobile browser.

This development means that access to the Internet of Impact is now already in the hands of millions of Opera users across the world, which provides Web3 builders significant rails into emerging economies. ‌‌‌

Decentralisation and Regenerative Finance can play a vital role in improving human coordination, scaling capital flows, and incentivising actions for positive Earth state-change. But this is going to depend on who has access to these technologies, where they are needed. In partnership with Opera, ixo believes this market access offers the most significant opportunity to bring crypto applications into the mainstream, to achieve the People’s Money vision and call to action, by growing the Cosmos and Interchain sustainable digital finance ecosystem.

The UN has made a strong case for using the digitalisation of finance as an historic opportunity to create citizen-centric financial systems, which enable people to earn, invest and spend their money in ways that can create a more sustainable future. The UN report People’s Money (August 2020) states that “Failure to act would be a wasted opportunity and risks finance diverging from the needs of citizens for inclusive, sustainable development.”

On behalf of the Interchain Foundation, Alan Traeger says, “Cosmos is a vibrant and fast-growing ecosystem of more than 200 interconnected sovereign blockchain networks, offering decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and Web 3 services. This new partnership between ixo and Opera provides critical access to currencies and financial tools that can positively impact the quality of life.”

Decentralised applications built on the Web3 Internet of Impact and deployed through widely used mobile browser interfaces will give people to access to Web3 innovations such as digital community currencies, self-sovereign digital identity, tokenised impact bonds, and self-governance mechanisms.

Earth Day community workshops

On Earth Day, 22nd April 2022, ixo and its partners held workshops with local communities across 4 continents, to test the usability of the newly-released Opera mobile crypto browser for the Internet of Impact. This demonstrated how decentralised identifiers (DIDs) and crypto wallet accounts are used to transact on the ixo blockchain. Participants received an EARTHDAY community currency for testing the wallet, to demonstrate the principle of how tokenised currencies can be used to provide incentives and make payments.

Hong Kong

Kicking off the day of workshops that spanned 4 continents, the Impact Data Consortium Chain (IDCC) team led a workshop on community currencies and decentralised impact management, using the Opera mobile browser. A key insight was that games using a tokenised local currency are very interesting to users and this will inspire further conversations about potential applications in this context.


Children who now have access to Chimple educational technologies delivered through tablet devices that are connected to the Internet of Impact, will be the first generation in history to have used the Opera mobile browser to receive tokenised incentives for learning about the importance of Earth Day.

Feedback from the community showed enthusiasm for creating a community currency – perhaps CHIMPLE, to incentivise children and create an economy for supporting the educational needs of children – such as school fees, books, etc.

South Africa

Youth between 18-28 participated in a workshop with Green YoMa, the UNICEF-led Youth Marketplace platform that connects young people to learning and earning opportunities in the Green Economy, using Self-Sovereign Digital Identity to build personal digital CVs with verifiable digital credentials, that offers tokenised incentives for youth to take action.

A key insight was that youth are enthusiastic to participate in a tokenised economy, only if this directly benefits them and they see the opportunity to "earn and learn" with crypto incentives.

Johannes Wedenig, the UNICEF-Africa program lead for YoMa, is convinced that: “Enabling millions of young people easy access to opportunities in the Green Economy through their mobile phones can drive sustainable economic growth across Africa over the coming decade.”


Ekonavi is a collaboration platform for ecological regeneration that has been pioneering the agroforestry movement in Brazil through their decentralised marketplace that is being built on the ixo blockchain Internet of Impact.

Development of the mobile website for testing the Opera mobile browser wallet on Earth Day demonstrated how easily and fast developers can implement and deploy localised versions of web applications that are built for the Internet of Impact, using the JamStack framework and hosted close to the edge, on the Netlify content delivery network.

Earth Day every day

On the heels of Earth Day this year, we should be a step closer to empowering people everywhere with access to mobile-first digital technologies for creating sustainable economies that enable communities to prosper, regenerate the planet and respond to the climate crisis.

About Earth Day

Earth Day began in 1970 and has taken place on April 22 each year since. It demonstrates support for environmental protection and now includes a massive range of events coordinated around the globe by EarthDay.org. It’s essential for society and humanity; it promotes clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for humans and wildlife alike. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.

About the ixo Foundation

The ixo Foundation, a nonprofit, leads the open-source development of an Internet of Impact. This essential digital infrastructure is formed by interconnecting globally and locally distributed blockchain networks that implement the ixo protocol. Regenerative Finance (ReFi) and Impact Verification applications can be built and deployed at the Internet scale. The new Internet overcomes the limitations of legacy Web 2.0 Internets by being stateful, graph-based, programmable and trustworthy. It is also verifiably carbon-negative.

The Internet of Impact is delivered through Interchain networks of interconnected carbon-negative blockchains. The revolutionary Inter-blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol connects these networks to form the Web3 Internet, with bridges into other major digital economies built on blockchain networks, such as Ethereum. Through network effects, this new Internet of blockchains has an exponential market and economic growth potential that could have transformative impacts on society.

About Opera‌

Opera was founded in 1995 in Norway, and it delivers browsers and AI-driven digital content discovery solutions to hundreds of millions of people around the globe. The company remains one of the most innovative browser creators to date. In 2018, Opera became the first major browser to include a native crypto wallet and Web3 support.