The heat is on and we are ramping up

Discover the power of People's Money, a groundbreaking economic opportunity that connects you directly with families in Zambia while helping to combat climate change.

2 months ago   •   5 min read

By Dr Shaun Conway

People's Money

Today you can choose to connect with a family in Lusaka, the vibrant capital city of Zambia. But why would you want to do this? Let's talk about a huge new economic opportunity: It's called People's Money 💸.

By People, we mean you, and me, as well as every other person who has the freedom to send or receive a text message. 

By Money we mean the numbers that are in your bank account, your crypto wallet, or a mobile money MobiPay account in Zambia.

⚡️We all know that how we each choose to spend, invest, or save our money impacts on the planet.

This is an important new economic opportunity for us all

We now all have direct access to the Carbon Economy. And this is about to 💥boom!

You and I now have opportunities that were not available to us before, to generate economic returns when we spend or invest our money in ways that reduce global carbon emissions. 

This is underpinned by Climate Finance, which can return money into our wallets from nationally-determined contributions that have been promised, with penalties that governments and large corporations now have to pay for polluting the planet, under Article 6 of the Paris Climate Agreement

Why this is as relevant to people in Zambia who are choosing to switch to cooking with clean energy, as it is to you and me, is because we can now directly invest in the modern energy cookstoves that enable families to make the switch, without any intermediaries – I personally have a whole fleet of these devices in my portfolio, which continuously generates impacts whilst I sleep! 

What's best is that each family in Zambia gets a share of the economic incentives, which is all visible and accounted for on-chain!

Why it matters to me

Here's the thing: most families in emerging economies who still cook with charcoal from hardwood trees can't afford the hundred bucks or so that it costs to buy a modern cookstove. Even though this will cut their monthly fuel costs by about half, from around $15 down to about $8 on average. In the past, Carbon Credits that were awarded to project developers only generated cash returns after long and complicated traditional processes that only intermediaries and institutions could access or afford.

To fix this, we have built the world's most compelling solution: A Digital Flywheel that generates Gold Standard quality tokenised carbon credits in real-time. Watch this short video to see how it works:

The Digital Flywheel

Our platform has impressed leading researchers at the UC Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, who have listed us on their website as one of only 6 High-Quality Cookstove Offsets Projects.

Now we are scaling this up to serve the entire modern energy cooking transition in Zambia, as an official Mitigation Activity under the country's Article 6 National Carbon Markets Framework.

Wealthy nations, such as Sweden, will be the primary buyers of the carbon credits to be generated in the form of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), in order to meet their legal obligations towards the compulsory annual contributions they have to make towards their commitments to 2035 net-zero targets.

But this is not only about nation-states and big corporations. This is where people such as you and I can also get in on the action.

How the carbon financing flywheel works

Buying the rights to the carbon credits that get generated by a clean cookstove provides financing for another 2 families to receive modern cookstoves. This is like cell-division 🌱 and how a giant forest grows from seeds 🌳🌳🌳🌳.

Each of these Internet-connected cookstoves joins the decentralised infrastructure network (dePIN) of physical resources that will scale to provide a green energy utility that serves more than a million households in Zambia alone.

The carbon credits generated through our platform will provide guaranteed direct economic returns around a quarter of a billion dollars over the next 5 years, paid for by government agencies and large corporations.

This will also create a massive stimulus to the Green Economy by creating many thousands of new jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities – including gigs for young people. To activate this youth opportunities marketplace, we are currently working with UNICEF to launch the Yoma Impacts Platform later this year, which is built on IXO.

This all ties back into People's Money.

We are changing the game

This is a serious business. Until very recently, participating in this new economic opportunity was too complicated for the average person. But we have been bustin' our buts and why-nots to make it fun and easy – and we think we have a winner!

To show you how, and as a celebration of the fact that you now have another easy way to liberate your money from traditional banking using the Kado onramp, we have created a special edition of Supamoto NFTs: Kado Cooks.

🥑 Everyone loves a good avo, right?

An offer you shouldn't refuse

In our freshly upgraded Impacts X mobile app you will find an offer. Go check it out – what do you have to lose?

Each SupaMoto Nifty comes loaded with fresh, digitally certified CARBON credits.

For $120 you get 2,000 CARBON Credits, which represents 2,000 kg of greenhouse gas emissions saved.

Each CARBON Credit currently sells for around $0.03 so you immediately get $60 worth of credits that you can harvest for your own purposes, to offset, swap, share, or stake.

You also get the rights to the future credits that will be generated over the next 24 months, with an expected net production of around 5,000 more CARBON Credits (*subject to Terms of Purchase).

Your SupaMoto Nifty will continue generating fresh new credits with each new fuel purchase that is made by the family in Zambia. You are now digitally connected in solidarity and share the benefits.

As the Internet-connected smart cookstove gets used, data from an embedded IoT sensor is automatically processed through our cutting-edge Web3 and Causal AI decentralised digital MRV system.

Like deFi, we now have deVerify (just made this word up, but maybe it will stick!).

With IXO, investing your money into impact-generating assets is as simple as guacamole, and accessible to everyone.

Try it out today and you will be amazed. Feel the call to adventure into this vibrant new regenerative economy.

Your hands-on experience starts by simply downloading a mobile app. How cool is the UX? How can we make this even better?

The Impacts Exchange

Okay, so now that you are hooked onto something healthy, check out the decentralized Impacts Exchange. Here's where you can see the performance of your assets, harvest your CARBON credits, offset your carbon footprint, or swap CARBON for USDC through the Decentralized Autonomous Impacts DAX.

Coming next, you will be able to claim IXO tokens as a reward for offsetting your own footprint by retiring CARBON credits. This is some seriously good crypto-economics and crypto for good!

We are gaming the future, and People will be the winners!

Now be generous and share some 💚 with your friends and also Tweet about it – even in the unlikely event that you think it sucks, we want to learn, improve and grow.

🦋 We do truly believe this can ignite a spark of hope in your heart: 

What's your X? What's next?

Keep in touch to hear the latest developments and to receive offers that will grow your stake in the tokenised Impacts Economy 🌱.

This is seriously cool. LFG People!

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